Telegram Mini Apps methods are events, which execute some predefined action. They are always called by a Mini App.
Since the web version of Telegram displays the front-end application in an <iframe/>
tag, it uses the default way of communication between 2 iframes - sending messages through window.parent.postMessage
As the first parameter, you should pass a JSON object converted to a string. The object should have this interface:
interface MessageJSON {
eventType: string;
eventData?: any;
The second parameter is targetOrigin
- allowed parent iframe origin. We recommend avoiding the usage of wildcard *
as long as it is not secure - your application could be inserted not by Telegram, but by another iframe that will still be able to communicate with your app and receive some data.
As a default value, you could use
So, as you see, each method has its own name expressed by eventType
and parameters stored in eventData
property. Here is the usage example:
const data = JSON.stringify({
eventType: 'web_app_setup_back_button',
eventData: {
is_visible: true,
window.parent.postMessage(data, '');
This code will make the Telegram BackButton appear.
Desktop and Mobile
Unlike the web, desktop and mobile applications use a bit more unusual way of calling methods. Both of these platforms will create a global function window.TelegramWebviewProxy.postEvent
As the first argument, this function accepts the event name. The second one - the parameters object, converted to a string. Here is how it works:
const data = JSON.stringify({ is_visible: true });
.postEvent('web_app_setup_back_button', data);
Windows Phone
Telegram Windows Phone app provides such function as window.external.notify
. It accepts the same parameter as the web version does:
const data = JSON.stringify({
eventType: 'web_app_setup_back_button',
eventData: { is_visible: true },
Calling Methods
Handling all possible environments for a developer's application can be challenging. To simplify this process, the community developed the @telegram-apps/sdk package, which greatly eases integration.
Here's how to use it:
import { postEvent } from '@telegram-apps/sdk';
postEvent('web_app_set_header_color', { color_key: 'bg_color' });
You can learn more about calling methods in the package's documentation.
Available Methods
This section contains a list of available methods to call with their names, description, and parameters. In case, Mini App does not satisfy the minimal method version requirement, nothing will happen. The native app just doesn't know which method should be called as long as it is not defined internally.
Notifies parent iframe about the current frame is ready. This method is only used in the Web version of Telegram. As a result, Mini App will receive set_custom_style event.
Field | Type | Description |
reload_supported | boolean | Optional. True, if current Mini App supports native reloading. |
Notifies parent iframe about the current iframe is going to reload.
Available since: v8.0
Prompts the user to add the Mini App to the home screen. Note that if the device cannot determine the installation status, the event may not be received even if the icon has been added.
Available since: v7.2
Requests the current biometry settings.
Available since: v7.2
Opens the biometric access settings for bots. Useful when you need to request biometrics access to users who haven't granted it yet.
This method can be called only in response to user interaction with the Mini App interface (e.g. a click inside the Mini App or on the main button)
Available since: v7.2
Requests permission to use biometrics.
Field | Type | Description |
reason | string | Optional. The text to be displayed to a user in the popup describing why the bot needs access to biometrics, 0-128 characters. |
Available since: v7.2
Authenticates the user using biometrics.
Field | Type | Description |
reason | string | Optional. The text to be displayed to a user in the popup describing why you are asking them to authenticate and what action you will be taking based on that authentication, 0-128 characters. |
Available since: v7.2
Updates the biometric token in secure storage on the device. To remove the token, pass an empty string.
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | Token to store. Has max length of 1024 symbols. |
Available since: v8.0
Sends a request to the native Telegram application to check if the current mini application is added to the device's home screen.
Available since: v8.0
Requests location-related functionality availability state.
Closes Mini App.
Available since: v6.4
Closes a QR scanner. The Telegram application creates the scan_qr_popup_closed event.
Sends data to the bot. When this method is called, a service message is sent to the bot containing the data of the length up to 4096 bytes. Then, Mini App will be closed.
To get more information, take a look at web_app_data
field in the class Message.
Field | Type | Description |
data | string | Data to send to a bot. Should not have size of more than 4096 bytes. |
Available since: v8.0
Requests exiting the fullscreen mode for mini app.
Expands the Mini App.
Available since: v6.9
Field | Type | Description |
req_id | string | Current invocation unique identifier. |
method | string | Method name. |
params | unknown | Parameters according to method . |
Available since: v6.1
Opens an invoice by its specified slug. More information about invoices in this documentation.
Field | Type | Description |
slug | string | Invoice unique identifier. |
Opens link in the default browser. Mini App will not be closed.
Field | Type | Description | Available since |
url | string | URL to be opened by Telegram application. Should be a full path with https protocol. | |
try_instant_view | boolean | Optional. Link will be opened in Instant View mode if possible. | v6.4 |
Available since: v8.0
Opens the location access settings for bots. Useful when you need to request location access from users who haven't granted it yet.
Note that this method can be called only in response to user interaction with the Mini App interface (e.g., a click inside the Mini App or on the main button).
Available since: v6.2
Opens a new popup. When user closes the popup, Telegram creates the popup_closed event.
Field | Type | Description |
title | string | The text to be displayed in the popup title, 0-64 characters |
message | string | The message to be displayed in the body of the popup, 1-256 characters |
buttons | PopupButton[] | List of buttons to be displayed in the popup, 1-3 buttons |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Identifier of the button, 0-64 characters. |
type | string | Type of the button. Values:
text | string | The text to be displayed on the button, 0-64 characters. Ignored when type is ok , close or cancel . |
Available since: v6.4
Opens a QR scanner. When the scanner was closed, the Telegram application creates the scan_qr_popup_closed event. When the scanner reads QR, Telegram creates the qr_text_received event.
Field | Type | Description |
text | string | Optional. Text to be displayed in the QR scanner. |
Available since: v6.1
Opens the Telegram link by its pathname and query parameters. The link will be opened in the Telegram app, Mini App will be closed.
Field | Type | Description |
path_full | string | Should be a value taken from the link of this format:{path_full} . Can additionally contain query parameters. |
Available since: v6.4
Reads text from the clipboard. The method accepts a request identifier which is used to appropriately retrieve the method execution result from the clipboard_text_received event.
Field | Type | Description |
req_id | string | Unique request identifier. Should be any unique string to handle the generated event appropriately. |
Notifies Telegram about current application is ready to be shown. This method will make Telegram to remove application loader and display Mini App.
Available since: v8.0
Requests the current content safe area information from Telegram.
As a result, Telegram triggers the content_safe_area_changed
Available since: v8.0
Shows a native popup requesting permission for the bot to manage user's emoji status.
Available since: v8.0
Displays a native popup prompting the user to download a file.
In turn, the Telegram client emits the file_download_requested event.
Field | Type | Description |
url | string | The HTTPS URL of the file to be downloaded. |
file_name | string | The suggested name for the downloaded file. |
Available since: v8.0
Requests full screen mode for mini app.
Available since: v8.0
Requests location data.
Available since: v6.9
Requests access to current user's phone.
Available since: v8.0
Requests the current safe area information from Telegram.
As a result, Telegram triggers the safe_area_changed
Requests the current theme from Telegram. As a result, Telegram will create theme_changed event.
Requests the current viewport information from Telegram. As a result, Telegram will create viewport_changed event.
Available since: v6.9
Requests write message access to current user.
Available since: v8.0
Opens a dialog allowing the user to share a message provided by the bot.
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Identifier of the message (PreparedInlineMessage) previously obtained via the Bot API method savePreparedInlineMessage. |
Available since: v6.1
Updates the Mini App background color.
Field | Type | Description |
color | string | The Mini App background color in #RRGGBB format, or one of the values: bg_color or secondary_bg_color |
Available since: v7.10
Updates the Mini App bottom bar background color.
Field | Type | Description |
color | string | The Mini App bottom bar background color in #RRGGBB format, or one of the values: bg_color , secondary_bg_color or bottom_bar_bg_color |
Available since: v8.0
Opens a dialog allowing the user to set the specified custom emoji as their status.
Field | Type | Description |
custom_emoji_id | string | Custom emoji identifier to set. |
duration | number | Optional. The status expiration time in seconds. |
Available since: v6.1
Updates the Mini App header color. This method should accept color_key
or color
Field | Type | Description | Available since |
color_key | string | The Mini App header color key. Could be either bg_color or secondary_bg_color . | |
color | string | Color in RGB format. | v6.9 |
Available since: v6.1
Updates the Back Button settings.
Field | Type | Description |
is_visible | boolean | Should the Back Button be visible. |
Updates current closing behavior.
Field | Type | Description |
need_confirmation | boolean | Will user be prompted in case, an application is going to be closed. |
Updates the Main Button settings.
Field | Type | Description | Available since |
is_visible | boolean | Optional. Should the button be displayed. | |
is_active | boolean | Optional. Should the button be enabled. | |
is_progress_visible | boolean | Optional. Should loader inside the button be displayed. Use this property in case, some operation takes time. This loader will make user notified about it. | |
text | string | Optional. Text inside the button. | |
color | string | Optional. The button background color in #RRGGBB format. | |
text_color | string | Optional. The button text color in #RRGGBB format. | |
has_shine_effect | boolean | Optional. Should the button have a shining effect. | v7.8 |
Available since: v6.10
Updates current state of Settings Button.
Field | Type | Description |
is_visible | boolean | Should the Settings Button be displayed. |
Available since: v7.7
Sets new swipe behavior.
Field | Type | Description |
allow_vertical_swipe | boolean | Allows closing the application using vertical swipe. |
Available since: v7.8
A method that opens the native story editor.
Field | Type | Description |
media_url | string | A media URL which will be used as a background for a created story. |
text | string | Optional. The caption to be added to the media. 0-200 characters for regular users and 0-2048 characters for premium subscribers. |
widget_link | object | Optional. An object that describes a widget link to be included in the story. Note that only premium subscribers can post stories with links. |
widget_link.url | string | The URL to be included in the story. | | string | Optional. The name to be displayed for the widget link, 0-48 characters. |
Available since: v8.0
Starts tracking accelerometer data.
Field | Type | Description |
refresh_rate | number | The refresh rate in milliseconds, with acceptable values ranging from 20 to 1000. Note that refresh_rate may not be supported on all platforms, so the actual tracking frequency may differ from the specified value. |
Available since: v8.0
Starts tracking device orientation data.
Field | Type | Description |
refresh_rate | number | The refresh rate in milliseconds, with acceptable values ranging from 20 to 1000. Note that refresh_rate may not be supported on all platforms, so the actual tracking frequency may differ from the specified value. |
need_absolute | boolean | Optional. Pass true to receive absolute orientation data, allowing you to determine the device's attitude relative to magnetic north. Use this option if implementing features like a compass in your app. If relative data is sufficient, pass false. Keep in mind that some devices may not support absolute orientation data. In such cases, you will receive relative data even if need_absolute=true is passed. |
Available since: v8.0
Starts tracking gyroscope data.
Field | Type | Description |
refresh_rate | number | The refresh rate in milliseconds, with acceptable values ranging from 20 to 1000. Note that refresh_rate may not be supported on all platforms, so the actual tracking frequency may differ from the specified value. |
Available since: v8.0
Stops tracking accelerometer data.
Available since: v8.0
Stops tracking device orientation data.
Available since: v8.0
Stops tracking gyroscope data.
Available since: v7.10
The method that updates the Secondary Button settings.
Field | Type | Description |
is_visible | boolean | Optional. Should the button be displayed. |
is_active | boolean | Optional. Should the button be enabled. |
is_progress_visible | boolean | Optional. Should loader inside the button be displayed. Use this property in case, some operation takes time. This loader will make user notified about it. |
color | string | Optional. The button background color in #RRGGBB format. |
text_color | string | Optional. The button text color in #RRGGBB format. |
has_shine_effect | boolean | Optional. Should the button have a shining effect. |
position | string | Optional. Position of the secondary button. It applies only if both the main and secondary buttons are visible. Supported values:
Available since: v6.7
Inserts the bot's username and the specified inline query in the current chat's input field. Query may be empty, in which case only the bot's username will be inserted. The client prompts the user to choose a specific chat, then opens that chat and inserts the bot's username and the specified inline query in the input field.
Field | Type | Description |
query | string | Text which should be inserted in the input after the current bot name. Max length is 256 symbols. |
chat_types | string[] | List of chat types which could be chosen to send the message. Could be empty list. Values:
Available since: v8.0
Locks the Mini App’s orientation to its current mode (either portrait or landscape). Once locked, the orientation remains fixed, regardless of device rotation. This is useful if a stable orientation is needed during specific interactions.
Field | Type | Description |
locked | boolean | True if the orientation must be locked. |
Available since: v6.1
Generates the haptic feedback event.
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of haptic event. Values:
impact_style | string | Required when type is impact . Values:
notification_type | string | Required when type is notification . Values: